It just doesn't seem fair that the New York Yankees end up paying a bajillion dollars to all the best players in the league to try and win championships. Too bad it hasn't worked for them yet, which makes it that comical, you know? It's funnier than a clown in a blender.
What, like stream of sconi... consciousness? Rambling's great. I watched 'Seven' today, y'know that movie with Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, and Kevin Spacey? Pretty good flick. Missed the first 5 minutes, though still felt compulsed to DVR the whole thing in case I couldn't watch the rest.
Anyway, gotta go. Time to pick up a contract and 20% deposit on $3200 dollars.
Seven is a pretty intense movie, and anything with Kevin Spacey playing a bad guy must be good, or anyway the role must be interesting.